How to Choose the Right Walls Retaining Walls

December 30, 2022 | Insights

When planning, structuring and building a retaining wall, it is vital to consider a variety of factors, despite of whether it’s proposed for residential or commercial use. A similar care norm should be adopted for walls as a bridge since they are both structures. Based on the application and your experience, you might consider what style of the wall will turn out best for the site, how deep the footing requirements are to be buried if it needs reinforced, or even what material is perfect for the region.

Before you begin planning your wall and selecting the aesthetics, you are required to understand the region and environmental aspects that can make your wall fail. Building a retaining wall takes more planning and cautious layout to avert it from becoming a disaster or collapse. Developing a retaining wall takes advanced planning and cautious layout to avoid it becoming a disaster or collapsing. This blog looks at a few factors that should be considered early in the design phase together with guidance on choosing the best type of retaining wall for your construction.

Let’s dive deeper into the kinds of retaining walls so you can better understand what will accommodate your construction project’s needs and how to select the Right wall for your project.

Opting for the right wall

Gravity Retaining Walls


Gravity retaining walls include concrete, rocks, and soil materials to help the structure utilize its weight to confine earth pressures. These retaining structures give obstruction against sliding, overturning, bearing, and seismic movement.

Another kind of gravity retaining wall is a crib wall. This retaining wall interlinks precast concrete elements and free-depleting materials such as crushed stone. Crib walls are often utilized on structures such as roadways and highways. Our experts suggest installing crib retaining walls when supporting planters, as they are unable to hold back high amounts of soil.

MSE Wall


MSE walls have gained popularity in current years. it is another kind of gravity retaining wall. The design for existing MSE walls originated in the year the 1960s. Howbeit, since then, many modernized fabrication techniques and technology have made the first creation stunningly better than the existing one. But, the fundamental idea remains similar.

MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) walls are used to stabilize slopes and maintain the soil. These structures normally incorporate precast segmental blocks, panels, or geo-cells to tolerate movement. The precast forms are then loaded up with soil to make a tough structure that can retain the soil backfill.

MSE walls provide unique benefits that standard retaining walls can’t. One of the basic features of an MSE wall is its flexibility. This flexibility enables MSE walls to withstand greater seismic pressure without sustaining major disasters. MSE retaining walls are simple to install and let for a quicker construction process.

Few Tips for choosing the right retaining wall for your property

1. Kind of wall

Before you sign a contract with a professional to develop your retaining wall, you need to decide on the type of material you will want your wall to be made of. There are several types of walls. Some of the materials used to build a wall like this include wood, natural stone, and indurate concrete. It is essential to note that wood and timber retaining walls are not utilized so much anymore as they do not last as long as concrete, rock, or stone. Wood tends to close and rot over time which can be problematic and costly to fix.

2. Decide how you want to utilize the wall

It is a nice idea to think of how you may want to incorporate your new wall into your family’s lifestyle. For instance, rather than building a wall, perhaps you want to make a sitting area that your family can use. This makes your investment much more beneficial and verifiable.

3. Be unique

A retaining wall does not have to be boring in your region. You can make it look stunning by being creative with your design. Perhaps you want to make a garden or fountain region in your yard. A retaining wall created of stone is a great way to do this.

4. Be aware of the height

In many regions, height creates a difference. We mean that in case you build a wall too high, you may be required to hire an engineer to assess your property and assure that the wall is safe. In case you do not do this, you could receive fined by your municipality or worse, be liable in case someone hurt themselves on your property.

5. Drainage plan

When developing your retaining wall it is important to plan for water drainage. In case you do not do this, you might find yourself in a bad situation with standing water in your backyard. Include gravel and fabric to wrap the base of the wall.

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