Talegaon & Khadki Pune Railway Project
As the city of Pune is booming as the central hub of IT engineers and students from all over the state, the traffic scenes are getting worse. And so is the load on the railways increasing.
These materials not only provide the necessary stabilization and soil reinforcement, but also arrests the soil erosion along the railway embankments.
The substructures of the railway tracks are built with ballast and sub ballast layers, and they need to be extremely stronger and are required to provide more stabilization, filtration, proper drainage, steep slope reinforcement, waterproofing, etc.
And this is where the use of Geotextiles and Geogrids come into the picture to provide all these things in the most economical and environment friendly manner.
(I) Product– Ocean Geotextile PP-30
Quantity-27600 Sqm
(II) Product– Ocean Uniaxial Geogrid-30Kn
Quantity-27740 Sqm
Location: Talegaon and Khadki Pune Railway
Due to the constant and ever increasing traffic on the Railway tracks in Talegaon and Khadki, and the continuous wear and tear of the tracks, the ballast and sub ballast layers undergo a lot of stress causing them to degrade over time and get deformed leading to problems such as track misalignment.
Being the most crucial parts of constructing railway tracks, the ballast and sub ballast layers have been always considered having several benefits such as provision of filtration, drainage, reduced stress caused by the constant movement of the trains, etc.
At the Khadki and Talegaon railway tracks, since these ballast and sub ballast layers had undergone a lot of degradation, it incurred. a lot of maintenance costs, along with many restrictions especially put up on the speed of several trains.
And this is why the Geotextiles and the Geogrids were introduced to provide the much needed stability, filtration of the sub grade soils, appropriate drainage facilities, etc. along these tracks.
The introduction of Geotextiles and Geogrids on the tracks of Talegaon and Khadki railway route has led to solving the problem of safety and stability on the tracks in the most cost effective way. It has certainly reduced the maintenance costs as the materials used are highly durable
Geotextiles and Geogrids prove to be highly beneficial when it comes to offering thie basics functions of separation, filtration, reinforcement, protection and drainage. Thus by using the Ocean Global Geotextile PP-30 and Ocean Uniaxial Geogrid-30Kn, the problems at the Talegaon and Khadki railway tracks in Pune were mitigated successfully.